Sunday, May 15, 2011

Get Illuminated

How do you start to educate intelligent fools? OK! goes...

I respect Conspiracy theorists for one thing: they are expert devil's advocates. They are genius rabble-rousers that invent the most believable/impressive controversies, throw it out, then stand back, allowing guillible & impressionable fools to grasp at whatever crumbs, twist it, then hopefully turn it into an international spectacle.

The ignorance associated with the Illuminati these days is at all time too high; & I'm tired to here (touches upper neck area). Everybody seems to know one, two or more members of the "secret" group. That's not even the annoying part. Ask most of these fools with supposed inside info the origin or objective of the Illuminati & suddenly it becomes rocket science. The same way, ask them the significance of Friday the 13th & they'd throw you some dumb tale about a hollywood flick. Imbeciles! Always wanting to portray an air of intelligence courtesy; collections of intellectual gibberish/hearsay junks they gathered eavesdropping & overhearing lame theories...on Google & Youtube.

Apparently, the real & sole intent of the group as an ancient religious brotherhood sworn to guard a certain religiously historic artefact would rather be pushed to the foreground while affiliations of the rich/famous takes precedence. For crying out loud, historic literatures (which are readable by the way) as much as events readily resolves beyond reasonable doubts any discrepancies or assumptions. But no, the baseless ramblings of a Theorist--a mental invalid--is more appealing/believable.

If it isn't Lady Gaga's album cover art one minute or the finger depiction of the devil's horns by Beyonce, it would be a too-creative music video inspired by the Illuminati; (an extremly covert brotherhood that has a badass history/reputation for covering its track: secrets & members). I really marvel at people's stupidity/ignorance. Why would a brotherhood so previously secretive suddenly reverse it ways & ply its members (celebrities for that matter) openly? To what end I wonder. Even dumbass college cultist ain't that showy.

Logically speaking, why would a SECRET society thrive on popularity or be desirous of being pop culture? So many unanswered questions. Many would be appalled beyond reality if they actually discover magnitude of relevance of Illuminati to christianity instead of the supposed attached paganism. I challenge your intelligence to take it up as a research project rather than follow suit the herd of dumb, starstruck f*#?tards who would be part of a community than get a clue.

Get illuminated not illuminati'd.

Sport: Passion

If passion was a crime, soccer fans would be on constant death rows, relative to a romantic lover who has jail term, Period! I'm no fan, I ain't got passion, neither do I follow the sport, but I see enough passion exhibited for this sport to know it is a favoured sport, almost comparable to the proclaimed love for God. Even sex don't stand a chance. And that's putting it lightly.

Before I knew better, I could never come to grips with the sense in a soccer discussion (I still haven't totally come to grips FYI). You'd have to have actually encountered or had your cyberspace timeline clogged with "the discussions" to understand my drift. Note my use of discussion instead of verbal karate cos its often more of the latter than the former or at least that is how it ends--if the discussion actually ends that is.

Now that I do know better, I respect soccer fans a lot for the amount of quality time/effort they devote to this passion of theirs. They'd stay up late, travel miles, empty their bank accounts, turn down sexual overtures (which is a deviation from men's Psych 101), just to keep abreast of the sport. Only for them to take (the discussion) from anywhere like twitter to agbero bustop & of course every other places best left to the imagination. As fanatic followers or soccer buffs, they have sects or rather clubs that they support--(don't bother about national teams, fans ain't as passionate)--Chelsea, Arsenal etc. Spouses would support their better-halves, so would kids that haven't differentiated between L, M, N & L, L, L of the alphabet, even retards with negative IQs would also join suit, to all constitute a nuisance, just so they can be part of the soccer phenomenon. You would find responsible looking, suit-clad execs in beer parlors almost turning Area boy just to prove their soccer affiliation's superiority. And that's if they aren't even trading expletives or punches already.

As an observer, I learn a lot from these encounters. I now know: names like Wayne Rooney, Didier Drogba (please don't bite me), soccer is a ego sport, some people just love the art of noise making, people claim kinship to soccer players that don't know they exist much less give a damn, people would support a cause regardless of how hopeless aka fans of certain clubs...Lol! Plus I get entertained

I might not have passion for the sport but I love the associated drama.

My Marital Scare

You would think the long boring years of going through school is the most terrible experience or being locked away for good behind the electric walls of a hightech security Penitentiary is the worst nightmare. But my worst personal phobia--counting Hades--lies in a rather seemingly joyful institution: "Marriage".

First off, I think any human who stays married for over 5years should be honored annually/paid stipends cos I respect them, A LOT.

The idea of being with a particular person, no matter how wonderful, for the rest of my life is too much a romantic reality for me to grasp; growing up with one's parents is killing enough without having to add the coup de grace. People always think me a dumb misogynist, extreme cynic or too gay, each time I attempt to justify this premise rather than see my inherent fear of losing my independence, getting divorced & perhaps losing my sanity. Why do I always see the negative side of marriage some of my friends often question? why can't I see the pure bliss of holy matrimony they argue? Seriously I wanna agree with them but apart from hailing from a broken home, marriage these days has been trivialized to the point of cliche jokes if not obscurity even. If at all you survive the relationship curse, you see marriages being nullified just 24hours after, some, even decades later... Just so to pronounce how fashionable infidelity/divorce are nowadays. Besides some of us aren't just marriage material. Period.

I always wanna maintain the fact that irrespective of how problematic my marriage is--that's if I get married--I would wanna swim through no matter how murky the water is, after all I'd stand before God to declare "For better for worse": that includes me forgiving my wife for infidelity even if caught red-handed & vice-versa (Yinmu), afterall we are humans, but how realistic is this logic. How forgiving are we when the in-thing is splitting up & hooking up with the next available hookable.

I've seen both firsthand/secondhand how divorce & foolery aka "I'm so in love" have broken homes & turned the kids into psychological wretches. And Just so I've got folks whose marriages make Indian movies seem realistic. But I'm inclined to the negative cos I'm very anal about failure. As a scientist by qualification though, I'm as openminded as the labia, hoping one day someone would come along to push me in the marriage pool. *Rme*