Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sport: Passion

If passion was a crime, soccer fans would be on constant death rows, relative to a romantic lover who has jail term, Period! I'm no fan, I ain't got passion, neither do I follow the sport, but I see enough passion exhibited for this sport to know it is a favoured sport, almost comparable to the proclaimed love for God. Even sex don't stand a chance. And that's putting it lightly.

Before I knew better, I could never come to grips with the sense in a soccer discussion (I still haven't totally come to grips FYI). You'd have to have actually encountered or had your cyberspace timeline clogged with "the discussions" to understand my drift. Note my use of discussion instead of verbal karate cos its often more of the latter than the former or at least that is how it ends--if the discussion actually ends that is.

Now that I do know better, I respect soccer fans a lot for the amount of quality time/effort they devote to this passion of theirs. They'd stay up late, travel miles, empty their bank accounts, turn down sexual overtures (which is a deviation from men's Psych 101), just to keep abreast of the sport. Only for them to take (the discussion) from anywhere like twitter to agbero bustop & of course every other places best left to the imagination. As fanatic followers or soccer buffs, they have sects or rather clubs that they support--(don't bother about national teams, fans ain't as passionate)--Chelsea, Arsenal etc. Spouses would support their better-halves, so would kids that haven't differentiated between L, M, N & L, L, L of the alphabet, even retards with negative IQs would also join suit, to all constitute a nuisance, just so they can be part of the soccer phenomenon. You would find responsible looking, suit-clad execs in beer parlors almost turning Area boy just to prove their soccer affiliation's superiority. And that's if they aren't even trading expletives or punches already.

As an observer, I learn a lot from these encounters. I now know: names like Wayne Rooney, Didier Drogba (please don't bite me), soccer is a ego sport, some people just love the art of noise making, people claim kinship to soccer players that don't know they exist much less give a damn, people would support a cause regardless of how hopeless aka fans of certain clubs...Lol! Plus I get entertained

I might not have passion for the sport but I love the associated drama.

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