Sunday, May 15, 2011

Get Illuminated

How do you start to educate intelligent fools? OK! goes...

I respect Conspiracy theorists for one thing: they are expert devil's advocates. They are genius rabble-rousers that invent the most believable/impressive controversies, throw it out, then stand back, allowing guillible & impressionable fools to grasp at whatever crumbs, twist it, then hopefully turn it into an international spectacle.

The ignorance associated with the Illuminati these days is at all time too high; & I'm tired to here (touches upper neck area). Everybody seems to know one, two or more members of the "secret" group. That's not even the annoying part. Ask most of these fools with supposed inside info the origin or objective of the Illuminati & suddenly it becomes rocket science. The same way, ask them the significance of Friday the 13th & they'd throw you some dumb tale about a hollywood flick. Imbeciles! Always wanting to portray an air of intelligence courtesy; collections of intellectual gibberish/hearsay junks they gathered eavesdropping & overhearing lame theories...on Google & Youtube.

Apparently, the real & sole intent of the group as an ancient religious brotherhood sworn to guard a certain religiously historic artefact would rather be pushed to the foreground while affiliations of the rich/famous takes precedence. For crying out loud, historic literatures (which are readable by the way) as much as events readily resolves beyond reasonable doubts any discrepancies or assumptions. But no, the baseless ramblings of a Theorist--a mental invalid--is more appealing/believable.

If it isn't Lady Gaga's album cover art one minute or the finger depiction of the devil's horns by Beyonce, it would be a too-creative music video inspired by the Illuminati; (an extremly covert brotherhood that has a badass history/reputation for covering its track: secrets & members). I really marvel at people's stupidity/ignorance. Why would a brotherhood so previously secretive suddenly reverse it ways & ply its members (celebrities for that matter) openly? To what end I wonder. Even dumbass college cultist ain't that showy.

Logically speaking, why would a SECRET society thrive on popularity or be desirous of being pop culture? So many unanswered questions. Many would be appalled beyond reality if they actually discover magnitude of relevance of Illuminati to christianity instead of the supposed attached paganism. I challenge your intelligence to take it up as a research project rather than follow suit the herd of dumb, starstruck f*#?tards who would be part of a community than get a clue.

Get illuminated not illuminati'd.


  1. We share the same view, i agree with you and feel your plight but how do you explain to the lame man that those interesting headlines are Jokes.

  2. You got that right, everyone seems to be in the Illuminati these days. I still feel we should watch what we listen to. Illuminati or no Illuminati

    I like this blog btw

  3. Thank you both for your comments. I hope people try to learn/find things out for themselves rather than join the wagon.
