At almost any chance available, Girls (or is it feminist they call themselves) always strive to equal or even outshine, out power, out-man, out-everything men. But is it ever a competition? Do men even have the time when they're still busy trying out the appropriate condom size.
I can understand the female folks' freudian struggle of egalitarianism though, but what's the (big) point? When all they end up accomplishing is: looking like/coming off as Bitches or rather subtly, Divas. Try pee while standing or sport a goatee if you're so badly pressed to rival men, instead of the lousy attitude you pass off as tough.
I stand to be corrected, but in my 20 something years of living experience, Girls have the disgusting habit of being devilishly RUDE (that's even putting it lightly) in their place of work, especially those in charge of customer's relations: it's as if "insolence" is a preferential criterion on their resumes. They are everywhere, usually the ones you meet at front desks (when you need help the most), reception areas, Jamb/Waec office (old hags that remind you of wicked stepmoms), admission office (when you're desperately seeking college admission), bank cashiers..
And I don't care if the sour attitude is a reflection of a bad day, hormones or PMS aka Mad Cow Disease, I've got problems too but you won't see me wearing it on my sleeve. Bitch! this ain't an episode of Desperate Housewives, so spare me the drama.
But seriously, Girls! what exactly is...are your problems? Must you add another to the already long list.
Anyway, I raise my glass to all the Guys like me; bitches trapped in men's body who have and still put such misplaced X chromosomes in their place.
PS: For fear of turning a chauvinist, I'd leave out my countless nollywood-worthy bitchy encounters.
lol. This guy. You're a bitch indeed.